
Showing posts from 2024
 ðŸ“š "God is omniscient as well as omnipotent: and omniscience may see reason to withhold what his omnipotence could bestow." [R. Cecil 1748-1810]
   ðŸ“š "True friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't think you've done a permanent job." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Thankfulness is the soil in which joy grows." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." [Abraham Lincoln]
 ðŸ“š "In becoming flesh He, though laying aside His glory, in no sense laid aside His diety. [Major Bible Themes]
 ðŸ“š "The Incarnation, Christ became at the same time and in the absolute sense very God and very man." [Major Bible Themes]
 ðŸ“š "Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "We, ignorant of ourselves, beg often our own harms which the only wise God denies us for our good, so we find profit." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Envy often masquerades as the champion of the rights of the community (or church) when it only wishes to grasp it for themselves." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Yesterday is history: tomorrow is a mystery. Today is the present, it is a gift from God." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "When gratitude is forgotten and is replaced by discontent, a sense of entitlement takes its place." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "The ways of God do not please the natural man." [Charles L. Feinberg]
 ðŸ“š "Whenever complaining and discontent enter the soul, it begins its decline."         [Unknown Source]
📚 "Motives, like stowaways, are found too late." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." [Bernard]
 ðŸ“š "Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do little." [Edmund Burke]
 ðŸ“š "Moral responsibility is non-transferable." [Charles L. Feinberg]
 ðŸ“š "A murmuring spirit fills life with fictitious evils, it will dig graves in the most fragrant gardens." [RW. WM. Adamson]
📚 "...Evil will not deliver those who practice it." [Solomon Ecc 8:8b]
 ðŸ“š "Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Faith is an exercise of the soul, invisible in itself, but made visible in its effect." [Unknown Source]
📚 "The days are long, but time is short." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Control language and you control thought; control thought and you can control action; control action you can control the world." [Peter Kreeft]
 ðŸ“š "Providence is God's attention concentrated everywhere. His care is microscopic as well as telescopic." [Augustus Hopkins Strong]
📚 "Providence is that continuous agency of God by which He makes all events of the physical and moral universe fulfill the original design with which He created it.' [Augustus Hopkins Strong]
 ðŸ“š "God's omniscience should be a comfort to the child of God. He knows all that we face in life. He is not caught off guard, yet He will accomplish His perfect plan for those who are His." [Dr. Mal Couch]
📚 "People who invite trouble always complain when it accepts." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "My knowledge of that life is small, the eye of faith is dim; But tis enough that Christ knows all, and I shall be with Him." [William Cowper]
📚 "We must cultivate an acceptance of the Divine Will, rather than to attempt to comprehend Divine Procedure." [David Thomas]
 ðŸ“š "The path of sorrow, and that path alone, leads to the land where sorrow is unknown; no traveler ever reached that blest abode, who found not thorns and briars along his road. [Baxter]
📚 "The power of suggestion is greater than the power of explanation." [Gen 37:32 Unknown Source]
📚 "The opposite of ignorance in the spiritual realm is not knowledge, it is obedience. I constantly attempt to impress Him with how much I know. He constantly seeks to impress me with how little I have obeyed." [Dr. Howard Hendricks]
📚 "The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not a cake for special occasions." [Unknown Source]
📚 "The church grows by tears, and withers by smiles. God's vine thrives the better for pruning." [Charnock]
 ðŸ“š "By perseverance the snail reached the ark." [Spurgeon]
📚 "Anticipated sorrows are harder to bear than real ones, because Christ does not support us under them." [Payson]
📚 "Is it not strange that the moment God is acting most the part of a parent, is just the moment we are most apt to forget we are His children?" [Powerscourt (Lady)]
 ðŸ“š "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength." [Spurgeon]
 ðŸ“š "God did not give us comfort to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters." [Billy Graham on 2 Cor 1:3-4]
 ðŸ“š "The wicked strut about on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men." [God- Ps 13:8]
 ðŸ“š "In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart." [John Bunyan]
📚 "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." [Spurgeon]
 ðŸ“š "God is the only true God. (Jo 17:3) The word true is not the opposite of wrong, but rather is the opposite of false." [Elmer Towns]
  📚 "Tis because I am mean that God's ways oft seem mean to me." [Oswald Chambers]
 ðŸ“š "The theologian is not to be discredited but rather commended who, when confronted with the secret things of God, is able to say, I do not know." [Wuest]
 ðŸ“š "Because... we do not know everything about God, we must be careful not to judge Him who will do all things well, even though we cannot comprehend the whys in what He does." [Dr. Mal Couch]
 ðŸ“š "Humility is a duty pleasing to God, Pride is a sin pleasing to the devil." [Thomas Boston 1676-1732]
 ðŸ“š "The slanderer harms three persons at once: him of whom he says the ill, him to whom he says it, and specially himself in saying it." [Basil. Born 329-Died 379]
 ðŸ“š "You are a slave to your lender." [Proverbs 22:7b]
 ðŸ“š "The clock of life is bound but once. And no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop at late or early hour. To lose one's wealth is sad indeed, to lose one's health is more. To lose one's soul is such a loss that no one can restore." [Unknown Source]
📚 "Any teaching, practice, or intermediary that detracts from the uniqueness and centrality of Christ is against the faith." [Charles Ryrie]
📚 "God has a natural law in force to the effect that we are conformed to that which we center our interest and love." [Miles Stanford]
 ðŸ“š "The desire to fulfill the purpose for which we were created is a gift from God." [A.W. Tozer]
 ðŸ“š "When a man stops believing in God, he doesn't then believe in nothing, he believes anything.  [G.K Chesterton]
 ðŸ“š "Once abolish The God and the government becomes the God." [G.K. Chesterton]
 ðŸ“š " A mind convinced against its will is of the same mind still." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "..This vital spiritual union with the Lord is kept in place and maintained by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. This profound truth is all too often simply forgotten. The Christian does not walk through this life alone; he has a new and unbroken relationship with Christ that gives comfort." [Dr. Mal Couch]
 ðŸ“š "..This vital spiritual union with the Lord is kept in place and maintained by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. This profound truth is all too often simply forgotten. The Christian does not walk through this life alone; he has a new and unbroken relationship with Christ that gives comfort." [Dr. Mal Couch]
📚 "Kings who build places, should not forget their tombs; For in a very short while a very small space will contain all their greatness." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "If you are a child of God and marry a child of the devil, you can be sure that you will have trouble with your father-in-law." [Unknown Source]
📚 "If you think you are a leader and turn around to find no one following, you are merely taking a walk." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Proximity does not equal intimacy. [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Often on the road I tremble, faint of heart and weak of knee, But the mighty Rock of Ages never trembles under me." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Eternity, not time, is the real and true gauge of one's life work, and that by God's perspective, not a mere finite, transient creature." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "A small mind can never have large conceptions. Flower pots cannot grow pecan trees." [Unknown Source]
📚 "What kind of church would this church be, if everyone in the church was just like me?" [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Lord, I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses but never once have I thanked you for my thorn." [George Matheson]
 ðŸ“š "The bitterest cup with Christ is better than the sweetest cup without Him."  [Ian MacPherson]
📚 "We may not be responsible for all that things that happen to us, but we are responsible for the way we behave when they do happen." [Ralph Waldo Emerson]
  📚 "Adversity does not make us frail; it only shows us how frail we are." [Abraham Lincoln]
 ðŸ“š "An ego biscuit one works for is a mark of recognition for what they do that brings a momentary feeling of value." [Joel Freeman]
 ðŸ“š"When your will is God's will, you will have your will." [Charles Spurgeon]
 ðŸ“š "It is the common lot of man to be tested and tried. The results are determined by the one tested, not by the severity of the tests. The sun that melts the butter hardens the clay. It is the same sun in either case- the difference is the material. [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Be careful and understand what you love, for what you love will lead you." [On 1 John 2:15-17 Unknown Source]
📚 "If you would lift me, you must be on higher ground." [Emerson]
📚 "Tis not enough to say, 'I'm sorry' and repent; and then go on from day to day, just as we always went. Repentance is to leave the sins we loved before, and show that we in earnest grieve, by doing them no more. [Griffith Thomas]
📚 "It is too common with the impious to measure the power of God by present appearances, so that whatever God does not do, they think He cannot do." [Calvin]
 ðŸ“š "Satan rules over unregenerate mankind. He secured the scepter of government on earth from Adam, ... And has organized the present world system  upon his own cosmic principles of pride, ambition, selfishness, force, greed and pleasure." [Merrill F. Unger]
📚 "If you could kick the fellow in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." [Theodore Roosevelt]
 ðŸ“š "You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death." [C.S Lewis]
 ðŸ“š "Divine disposition of events by no means rules out human action. Election is not inconsistent with exertion." [Barbieri]
 ðŸ“š "In the first instance, it is well to observe that God did not create the human will as an instrument to defeat Himself." [Lewis Sperry Chafer]
 ðŸ“š "There never has been a man on his deathbed that said, 'I wished I had spent more time at the office'." [Lee Iacocca]
📚 "The sins of the tongue are singled out, because this organ is a very sensitive barometer indicating the general spiritual climate of the heart." [Unger on Ps. 34:12-13]
 ðŸ“š"Life, up to a point is options-then it's decisions made!" [G. Campbell Morgan]
 ðŸ“š "Yea, once Immanuel's orphaned cry His universe hath shaken. It went up single, echoless, 'My God I am forsaken!' It went up from the Holy's lips amid His lost creation. That, of the lost, no son should use those words of desolation."  [Elizabeth Browning]
📚 "For knowledge to become wisdom and for the soul to grow, the soul must be rooted in God." [Mounford]
 ðŸ“š "If all our problems were hung on a line, you'd take yours and I'd take mine." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "God writes straight with crooked lines." [ A Portuguese Proverb]
 ðŸ“š "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." [Jim Elliot]
 ðŸ“š "Those we love are with the Lord, and the Lord has promised to be with us. If they are with Him and He is with us, they can not be far away." [Peter Marshall]
 ðŸ“š " I find that doing the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans." [MacDonald]
 ðŸ“š "When tomorrow arrives there will be new troubles, but also renewed strength. God has not given us strength today for tomorrow's difficulties." [Unknown Source on Matthew 6:34]
 ðŸ“š "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." [Winston Churchill]
📚 "The mist is dim on the coming year,  I know not the way to go;  But my Captain stands above the clouds- tis enough for Him to know." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Christ has made of death a narrow starlit strip between the companionship of yesterday and the reunion of tomorrow." [William Jennings Bryan]
 ðŸ“š "A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't." [Unknown Source]
📚 "The child of God is a creature of eternal destiny. For him no day is without consequence. The hour he spends and the decisions he makes have implications that carry on into eternity. What he does today will matter a thousand years from today." [Dave Breese]
 ðŸ“š "It is never to be forgotten that contact with sin, even apart from contamination of it, always involves a measure of suffering." [Unknown Source]
📚 "To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves." [Alexander Pope] 
📚 "It is in the ability to deceive one's self that the greatest talent is shown." [Anatole France]
📚 "The road of by and by leads to the town of never. That which a fool does in the end, the wise man does in the beginning." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "An outward trial is appointed by God for our good. The inner weariness which shows itself under trial is not of God." [Joseph B. Mayor]
📚 "Knowledge enables us to take things apart, but wisdom enables us to put things together and relate God's Truth to daily life." [Warren Wiersbe]
 ðŸ“š "The attitude is primarily in view because what one is inwardly inevitably determines what he does..." [Robert Thomas]
 ðŸ“š"Christians have received their instruction regarding moral preparation and that is the intended practical effects of prophecy." [Robert Thomas]
📚 "Our voluntary thoughts not only reveal what we are, they predict what we will become." [A.W. Tozer]
📚 "How sadly and how slowly I am learning that loud preaching and long preaching are not substitutes for inspired preaching." (Jim Elliot)
 ðŸ“š "May those who loves us, love us. May those who don't, may God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts may He turn their ankles so that we will know them by their limping." (Irish Proverb)
📚 "It is a pity that our tears on the account of our troubles should so blind our eyes that we should not see our mercies." (John Flavel)
📚 "In order to change a nation's religion one need only to change the language." (C.K. Chesterson)
 ðŸ“š "Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong; rather it is telling the difference between right and almost right." (Unknown Source)
📚 "There is a line unseen by us that crosses every path; the hidden boundary between God's patience and His wrath." (source unknown)
📚 "Any doctrine (teaching) which tends to produce security in sin must be false." (Charles Hodge)
📚 "The object of all false religion is not to give man the knowledge of God, but to enable him to get along without God." (source unknown)
📚 "Mindful of our human frailty is the God in whom we trust; He whose years are Everlasting, He remembers we are but dust."  (Hendrikson based on Psalm 103)
📚 "Man is not what scientists tell us he is, an accidental bundle of atoms drifting toward oblivion. Man is God's creature, a never dying soul..." (Lehman Strauss) 
📚"Shall Simon bear Thy cross alone, and other saints be free? Each saint of Thine shall find his own and there is one for me." (Rev Thomas Shepherd, England 1692)
📚 "Two natures beat within my breast. One is foul the other blest. The one I love; the one I hate. The one I feed will dominate." (source unknown)
📚 "Neither our obligations, nor our trials will go beyond our capacities. As a Just Sovereign, He proportions duty to power and as a Merciful Redeemer, trial to strength." (David Thomas)
📚“It is one of our highest privileges to discern something eternal behind the transitory objects of the present world and to be able to cling closely to the Eternal reality.” (source unknown)    
📚 "I often say my prayers, but do I ever pray? And do the wishes of my heart go with the words I say? I may as well kneel down and worship gods of stone. As to offer to the Living God a prayer of words alone." (source unknown)