📚"Shall Simon bear Thy cross alone, and other saints be free? Each saint of Thine shall find his own and there is one for me." (Rev Thomas Shepherd, England 1692)
📚 "Neither our obligations, nor our trials will go beyond our capacities. As a Just Sovereign, He proportions duty to power and as a Merciful Redeemer, trial to strength." (David Thomas)
📚“It is one of our highest privileges to discern something eternal behind the transitory objects of the present world and to be able to cling closely to the Eternal reality.” (source unknown)
📚 "I often say my prayers, but do I ever pray? And do the wishes of my heart go with the words I say? I may as well kneel down and worship gods of stone. As to offer to the Living God a prayer of words alone." (source unknown)