
Showing posts from July 21, 2024
📚 "There is a line unseen by us that crosses every path; the hidden boundary between God's patience and His wrath." (source unknown)
📚 "Any doctrine (teaching) which tends to produce security in sin must be false." (Charles Hodge)
📚 "The object of all false religion is not to give man the knowledge of God, but to enable him to get along without God." (source unknown)
📚 "Mindful of our human frailty is the God in whom we trust; He whose years are Everlasting, He remembers we are but dust."  (Hendrikson based on Psalm 103)
📚 "Man is not what scientists tell us he is, an accidental bundle of atoms drifting toward oblivion. Man is God's creature, a never dying soul..." (Lehman Strauss)