
Showing posts from 2025
 ðŸ“š "A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues." [Cicero]
 ðŸ“š "You may trust the Lord too little, but you can never trust Him too much." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday." [Unkown Source]
  📚 "The biblical teaching on creation explains the noble side of man. Man is not part of the cosmic machine, because he is a special creation of God. Thus he is not a dog or a god, but man was made in 'the image of God.'" [Robert Morey]
 ðŸ“š "Remember, faith can swim when reason can no longer touch bottom." [Robert Morey]
📚 "No Christian nation can be considered great which ignores the sacred Book." [Fanny Crosby]
📚 "Sin will keep you from this Book. This Book will keep you from sin." [Dwight Moody]
📚 "Nobody ever out grows the Scriptures; the Bible widens and deepens with our years." [Charles Spurgeon]
📚 "Other books were given for our information; the Bible was given for our transformation." [The Defender]
 ðŸ“š "Give us [spiritual] sight that we may know where to stand and what to stand for, because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything." [Peter Marshall]
📚 "Paul and James would say, "No matter the cost, you teach doctrinal truth." James and John would say, "We are at war with the culture. We can never compromise and assimilate biblical truth with the philosophies of the world!" [Dr. Mal Couch]
 ðŸ“š "Genuine love is not blind to the truth; it neither over criticizes nor over praises. Needless to say, love does not flatter - which is essentially lying for the same selfish reason." [Spiros Zodhiates]
 ðŸ“š "What we put first in our lives soon masters us." [Spiros Zodhiates]
 ðŸ“š "False religion is utterly abhorrent to God and worthy of severe condemnation." [John Walvoord]
 ðŸ“š "Paul's hardships made him better, not bitter. They always do one or the other to a child of God" [Robert Lightner]
📚 "In the full armor of God (Eph 6:13-18) you will find no protection for the back." [Unknown]
📚 "I find doing the will of God leaves me no time disputing about His plans." [MacDonald]
📚 "Those whose lives are being changed by God often find themselves the objects of criticism and attack by people in whom there is no divine life." [Thomas L. Constable]
📚 "With stewards of the truth of God, faithfulness is the primary requisite of service, not apparent accomplishment." [Charles Feinberg] 
📚 "The man who says that other folks are unfriendly is often merely gazing at his own reflection in a mirror." [Spiros Zodhiates]
 ðŸ“š "Too wise to err, To good to be unkind- Are all the movements of the Eternal mind." [John East - Songs Of My Pilgrimage]
📚 "Good, when He gives, supremely good, Nor less when He denies, Even crosses from His sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise." [Unknown Source] 
  📚 "A believers stability for this life as well as his confidence for eternity rests solely on the written promises of God's Word." [Kelso Carter]
 ðŸ“š "The hope of heaven under troubles is like the wind and sails to the soul." [Samuel Rutherford]
 ðŸ“š "The difference between opinions and convictions is you hold your opinions but your convictions hold you." [Unknown Source] 
📚  “Oh, the pure delight of a single hour   That before the throne I spend,   When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, My God,  I commune as friend with friend.”   [Fanny J. Crosby]
 ðŸ“š   “Once it was the blessing; Now it is the Lord, Once it was the feeling, Now it is the Word; Once His gifts I wanted; Now the Giver own; Once I sought for healing; Now Himself alone.” [ A. B. Simpson]  
 ðŸ“š  “The Bible is not such a book a man would write if he could or could write if he would.” [Lewis S. Chafer}
📚 “Out of the deepest waters and the hottest fires have come the deepest things that I know about God.” [Elisabeth Elliot]
📚  “Deny that God is governing matter, deny that He is ‘upholding all things by the word of His power’ and all sense of security is gone.” [A.W Pink]  
 ðŸ“š "Pride always speaks in first person pronouns." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "Marriage is like flies on a windowsill; some want in and some want out!"  [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "While not knowing the very mind of God, the devil knows the Bible... Satan's days are numbered." [Dr. Mal Couch on Rev 12:12]
 ðŸ“š "We have the capacity to make a decision but we have a complete lack of its outcome. We may suffer for doing right." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "The object of knowledge is all-important. If it is not acquired in God, then it is not in truth." [Dr. Harold Stigers (on Gen 3:4)]
  📚 "We judge ourselves by our intentions; others judge us by our actions." [Unknown Source]
📚 "Where the word of God is neglected, there can be no fruit." [Dr. Pentecost]
 ðŸ“š "The human problem is that we will not accept God's gifts within the limits imposed by Him. We wish to be God, dispensing the gifts. [Dr. Oswalt]
📚 "Pain is often an instrument of God's mercy." [Dr. Hartly]
 ðŸ“š "God has the interest of His people in view;  ...He will make all things, whether prosperous or adverse, to co-operate in promoting their good." (Rom 8:28) [Dr. Sinclair Ferguson] 
  📚 "But God does permit circumstances into each life which draws out the governing principle of that life." [Dr. Charles Feinberg]
  ðŸ“š "Yesterday is history: tomorrow is a mystery. Today is the present, it is a gift from God." [Unknown Source]
  📚 "Men are frequently like tea- the real strength and goodness is drawn out of them after being, for a short time, in hot water. [Haines & Yaggy 1876]
 ðŸ“š "Before you marry, keep your eyes wide open.  After you marry, keep your eyes half-shut." [Unknown Source]
 ðŸ“š "The grave buries the dead dust, but the character walks the world..." [Haines & Yaggy1876]
 ðŸ“š "What you believe to be true in this life will follow you into the next life." [Unknown Source]
📚 "We live in an age when there is a false glare on the things of time and a great mist over the things of eternity." [H.C. Ryle]
 ðŸ“š "Two things are said to be very rare sights in the world: one is a young man that is humble, and the other is an old man that is content." [H.C. Ryle]